Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Boxes

The Christmas DVD's were a little stubborn this year and it took me a little longer to make them, but they are done and the boxes are now ready to be sent!! Be on the lookout for my makeshift shipping boxes (the BX only sold small-medium ones; so I structured my own!) :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gag Reel

This year I even included a gag reel; some pretty funny stuff!!

Sneak Peek

The Christmas boxes will be on their way soon!! Here is the sneak peek for the annual video!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I wanted to let everyone know Adam's knee surgery went fine; he is home resting peacefully now. He didn't seem to be in too much pain when we first picked him up, but we will see how he does once the anesthesia completely wears off. Thanks for your thoughts!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas Tree

Since Adam is going in for knee surgery on Wednesday and may not be up to climbing around in the closet to get out the Christmas stuff on Friday he let me decorate the tree a few days early!!

We had to get new lights (this year I will use a transformer so they won't burn out) and they do not sell garland here so it is my first year of decorating with ribbon; and of course I needed a new set of ornaments to match. It looks much prettier in real life; but here it is!!

Happy start to a Merry Christmas season!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Blast from the Past

The first one was taken in July 2005 when we were at the cabin Lucy had rented through LLBean for us all to spend some time together!!

The second one was taken at Dad and Lucy's Halloween party in October 2005.

Adam has changed so much!!!

Andrew displays these pictures in his room :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

From Lindi

Lindi still sends the boys holiday cards each year; here they are opening their Halloween cards from her. As you can tell Riley wasn't exactly interested in reading the inside, but he did like the picture on the front!!

Halloween Gifts

The boys spent their Halloween cash from Gramma and Grampa at the BX today! Andrew got his RescueBot Optimus Prime (he told me what he was going to buy from the minute he acquired the cash!) and Riley found a new train named Arthur we don't have yet!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Rowdyruff Boys

Andrew is really becoming quite the artist! He draws even better than I do (considering I can only draw stick people). It seems like he may take after Daddy in this field!! This is his interpretation of the Rowdyruff boys (pictured below)