We found a new swimming spot to go to in a blog I found online where a couple blogged about their adventures to Lake Barcis. So, I decided to look up how far it was from our house and noticed it was only 40 minutes!!
We had an awesome time and the little town was so beautiful; everywhere you look there was something gorgeous to see and take a picture of; I wish I had found it a lot sooner so we could maybe have gone more than once. We have a lot planned this summer before we leave Italy, but we may try to fit this in one more time. We also noticed a lot of people had dogs there, so if there is a next time we can take Molly!!
The first place we went to swim you had to climb under the guardrail, walk across the drainpipe, climb down the embankment, and then across a small stream to get to the actual lake. The boys had fun there for a little while throwing rocks, but if you went above your ankles the current was surprisingly strong. So, we had our lunch there and then decided to go back where the main parking area was to see how the swimming was there.
We got lucky because someone had decided not to park there for very long but had paid for 3 hours, so they gave us their parking ticket, which allowed us to park for free!! The water was much better for swimming, but still FREEZING!!
The boys then played on the playground a little, we found a small bar to have frozen treats at, and then did a little bit of walking around to do some sightseeing. The boys' feet were pretty tired, though, so we drove through the town and then back through again to get some pictures from the van before heading back. There was a really cool bridge that is made for cars, but it was extremely narrow, so we couldn't imagine even trying to get across there! There was also really cool tunnels we got to go through which Andrew loved, and one of them was even 5 km long!! The mountains were especially gorgeous to look at too; they looked like they were inside the clouds!!