Wednesday, April 22, 2009

36 Week Check Up

I had my 36 week check up today, it was with the covering doctor since Dr. Marotto is not back until next week, but I did discuss with her the dates for the trip and the age requirements for Riley. After examining me, she said that he is already in position, so she doesn't think he will be more than 4 weeks anyway, but only time will tell. She said they can induce at 40 weeks if he hasn't come by himself, and depending on how far down he is they may be able to even induce at 38 or 39 weeks as long as his lungs are developed. But, she said that this should not interfere with the trip, so my talking to him must have helped!! She also said to walk alot (of course I am going to wait until after the baby shower) and massage my belly several times a day because I guess that helps as well. I mentioned to her that I read on a website that you can also eat pineapple and spicy foods, and she said that wouldn't hurt but it is not known to induce labor. And, my stomach still measures 6 days ahead, so we will just have to wait and see, I will keep everyone updated!!


grmy szy said...

awesome, awesome, Andrew it won't be long now before you can show Riley your trains. Grammy & Grampy are so excited to meet you Riley & hold you for the first time. Mommy walk, walk, walk......
Let's get this show on the road!!!

Rachels Dad said...

How exciting for everyone!! Rachel you must be getting very anxious I know I am to get the call that Riley is on his way. Hope to see you all real soon and remember I am just a call away if you need anything. Mimi and Papa cannot wait to see you and hold you Riley and you too Andrew. Most likely the next time I see you Andrew Mommy will be very busy bring Riley into the world for us all to Love. Love Papa