Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Daddy ended up getting the day off so after Andrew got out of school, we went bowling as a family!! Andrew has been begging me to go bowling for a couple weeks now since he saw (Curious) George go bowling in a movie he owns. We had a lot of fun and Daddy won with a whooping 102 points, Andrew came in second at 87 points and Mommy lost at 65 points. But, before you give me a hard time, I would like to plead my case by saying that I haven't bowled in over a year AND Riley helped me...haha


They were holding hands in the car on the way to the bowling alley; I thought it was so cute so I had Daddy snap a picture!!

Back at the Co-Op

Today was Riley and I's first day back at the Co-Op; he did really well but I am sure that was because I was there as well, we will see how it goes on Thursday by himself! It was just me, him and three girls who were all younger than him, so that was a change for him! He had a lot of fun showing them how to make noise and build blocks!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kid's Fun Run/Fun Day

Today was the base's annual marathon and they had a one mile kid's fun run as part of it. Andrew only ran two laps for a total of 1/2 mile, but he had fun which was the important part. Adam even ended up running with him to keep him focused; he was getting distracted by all the parent's standing around watching! Riley was too young to participate in the actual race, but he had his own little marathon in the field before the race while Andrew was playing field hockey with the other kids!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Blanket Fort

This evening after supper we made a little blanket fort and Andrew insisted that we all had to take turns hiding under his blanket; after Riley went to bed Daddy and Andrew went right back in the fort and Andrew tells me I am supposed to sleep in it with him tonight :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mom N Tots Aerobics

I didn't get a picture of us actually exercising, but here we are after we got home... Riley and I have enrolled in Mom N Tots Aerobics where they offer a variety of different exercise classes that you can bring your kids along to!! Today we had a Stroller Exercise class on the track on base and we walked, jogged, and sprinted in between stations of lunges, squats, bleacher push ups, step-ups, inverted bleacher push-ups and pull ups; then we jogged for a lap, walked for a lap, stretched and did cross-knee crunches. I was VERY out of breath by the end of it, but I was feeling very pumped, which is good!! Riley had a blast just riding around in the jogging stroller watching me, he gets the easy part!! Thursday we have a total body conditioning class and then next week we have Cardio Kickboxing on Monday, spinning and yoga on Wednesday, and Zumba on Friday!! And every week will vary after that! Wish me luck and give Riley the incentive to cheer me on!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Second Day Of School

Today the kids got to go outside and play as well; Daddy got some good pictures and a few videos too!!! Andrew made two new friends, their names are Marcus and Matteo. Marcus is the little boy running around with Elijah and Andrew yelling and roaring in the lobby, and Matteo is the little boy Andrew is playing with on the outdoor slide!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Day Of School

The first day went really great, Andrew fit in exceptionally well and had a blast with all of the kids. Luckily, Adam was able to reschedule his class and so Riley stayed home this morning with Daddy (which was a good thing since the kids were running around like crazy and I am sure Riley wouldn't have wanted to be held for 2 hours while the older kids were playing) and tomorrow Daddy is going to go to school with Andrew!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Andrew

So...Andrew's cake didn't even last through the making process :( So, I took his picture with it tonight because it definitely won't last until tomorrow. This was a lot harder than the others I have made and since I am already a beginner it was a disaster unfortunately. The good news is Andrew loved it and he actually knew it was supposed to be a train cake and even told me what each thing was supposed to be as we were putting it on. So, that is all that matters I suppose...

We were going to go to the zoo today for Andrew's birthday (since Adam works tomorrow again) but it was raining here, so as you could see we finished up school shopping and we are going to try to go to the zoo maybe next month on a weekend as long as Adam is off weekends by then.

Temper Tantrum

For anybody who doesn't believe me or thinks I am exaggerating here is ONE of Riley's temper tantrums....he just might be my trouble child...it's a good thing he's so cute and I have a LOT of patience, huh?? haha

School Shopping

School shopping is finally completed, including this smock (the looks are a matter of opinion, but BLUE for boys is MANDATORY so it was this or checkered). We also found these cute rain boots for Andrew and matching jackets for the boys (even the back is cute!!). Adam and I spent the whole afternoon after getting back labeling everything right down to socks (which were not so easy) and underwear with his name. ANYTHING that goes to school MUST be labeled...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Meduna Mall

We checked out the Pordenone mall for the first time today....sad I know, it took us a year, we thought it was just a couple small stores so we never went, but we heard from the neighbors it was nice so we decided to go. It was 4 stories with tons of really nice stores, and even a play area for the boys...it was great!! We definitely need to go back sometime!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Riley's an old pro...

I have been trying to upload this video for a week now, and FINALLY it seems to have worked!!

Riley is an old pro at walking now, he has mastered inclines and uneven ground, and has even begun chasing Andrew inside the house. This is more of a fast walk at this point, but he will catch up, give him time!! (I will try to get a good video of that as well...)