Saturday, December 27, 2008

While We Were Out...

Look what Andrew learned to do while we were away!!! He had been skeptical about these since they are big and don't fit like shoes, but he got brave and on his own decided to put them on; looks like he did an awesome job!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas at Bumpa and Nani's


Adam and I went out for our anniversary tonight so Andrew is sleeping over at Grammy and Grampy's. He has only done this once before when we went to Massachusetts for the American Idol concert, but I am sure that he is having an awesome time and hopefully asleep by now!!! And, although I miss him, I need to get myself to bed and then once I wake up and be ready he will be here to pick me up to head to Great Grammy Dottie's!!!

Adam and I went out to dinner at Applebee's, we both had a Caesar salad, mine shrimp, his chicken and then we had chocolate mousse dessert shooters which were yummy!! Adam tried a rum'n'coke with his meal, but he did not like it all. Then, we went to see "YESman" at the theatre, which was hilarious, we both love Jim Carrey and I have not seen a movie that makes you laugh out loud like that in a long time!! Then, we decided the night was still young so we decided to go Galactic bowling. We won a free pizza, a free admission to Galactic Bowling and a $2 off coupon Galactic bowling as well; the pizza because I bowled a strike when there was an orange pin in the middle, and then the coupons because they had trivia questions which Adam knew all the answers to!!! The first was the Wimbledon winner and the second was the name of the Beatles!! It was a very lucky night, but we cut it a little short because I am not used to being out so late, but we had an awesome night and thought we would share with everyone!! Well, I am off to bed, my little guy will be here to pick me up at 8 am, haha!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas at Grammy and Grampy's


Patty (from my work) invited us over today because she had bought Andew a present. It was the Backyardigans saxophone, which Andrew had been pointing to in the store for awhile now, so I think he will be very pleased to have it as his own!!!

She also bought me a panini maker (not pictured) which I have been talking about during lunches, she was not supposed to buy me anything, but what are friends for??

Christmas At Home

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Andrew and I thought this was cute, so we wanted to share with the rest of the family, click on the link below!!!

Sodor Airport

Andrew's last present was the Sodor Airport!!!! He had opened this present quite awhile ago and so I have had it hidden in the kitchen cabinet until today!!! He was very excited to see it again, though and Uncle Mikey was here to play with it with him!! We are sad that the Advent calendar is over, but for the next couple days he will get plenty of presents to more than make up for it!!

Yellow Roses

My little Prince Charming (Andrew) brought me yellow roses today for Christmas, what a sweetheart, I must be doing something right, haha!!! Unfortanately I already packed all of our vases and put them in storage so I had to use a plastic storage container, but it does the trick and at least I can still enjoy them!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Handprint Plaque

Andrew made Adam & I a present at Lindi's on Thursday and it wasn't ready by the time I picked him up, but Lindi didn't want me to wait until after Christmas to have it, so she sent it to work with Billie Jo for me. I fell in love with it instantly, they did an awesome job!!!

New Slippers!

Andrew's Knick-knack tonight was new slippers, here is a picture of them on his feet!!

New Outfit

Yesterday was the first time Andrew wore his ski pants. While we were shoveling he insisted on coming out to help, so I made him get all bundled up and I thought he looked so cute, I just had to snap a picture!!!

Last night's present was a brand new outfit, Andrew was excited and was throwing the clothes in the air, so I wasn't able to get a clear picture; I layed them out afterward so I could get a good one, the only bad part is...he's not in it!! But, he got dark blue denim jeans, a gray thermal and a blue blazer (clothes just like Daddy's). This will be his Christmas outfit OF COURSE!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


I had to let Andrew have his knick knack this morning because Adam and I are going out for our anniversary later, and he definitely wasn't hesitatnt!! He loves to open presents now and even snuck one at Grammy and Grampy's last night, which was a package of military airplanes that he flew around with Grampy while Mommy and Grammy finished our last bit of crafts!!!

His knick knack today was a 3-pack of Leap Frog learning puzzles, two for counting and one for shapes!! Here he is digging in already!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Andrew's present tonight was the "Cat In The Hat" movie; we had seen it before through Netflix and he really enjoyed it, so now he has it for his own collection!! We watched it while we were eating supper!!!!

Sipper Cup

I am so sorry...I am a slacker the past few days with blogging...I have been so busy with work and finishing up my Christmas crafts that I sit down for 5 minutes and fall asleep!!

Last night Andrew took a late afternoon nap (from around 3:30-6:30) so when I woke him up for supper he was still a tad bit fussy, so his knick knack came in well!! It is a new cup...this cup is not a sippie cup, though, it is made for 2 year olds and up; it just has a small hole like a coffee cup where the juice comes from, not sucking like a bottle, so hopefully he will enjoy this better and then he will have to get more!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Shadow Book

I fell asleep last night before posting our blog...

Andrew's present yesterday was "Thomas and the Shadowy Night". It is a fold-out book that comes with a flashlight which also makes different noices from the show, like a train whistle, Thomas' voice, the theme song and Sir Topham Hatt's pocketwatch. This was one of the presents that he tried to open a few times because he could hear the Thomas sounds!! He played with it with Daddy the entire time I was getting supper ready!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Presents Galore!!!!

Today was Adam and I's 3rd anniversary!! For presents we got a gift card to Friendly's, a gift card to Applebee's and from Andrew two ornaments (snowmen for Mommy and a Patriots for Daddy)!!

Andrew has a Christmas party at Lindi's house tomorrow; here are the presents we got for her and the kids. We got her a gift card to Regal Cinemas and we got the kids coloring books w/ crayons, hopefully Andrew will enjoy giving them presents and not get upset because he can't open them!!

His knick knack tonight was a snowflake blanket. He loves to snuggle up with a special blanket, so this was perfect. As soon as he opened it, he took my hand and led me over to the chair to cuddle up and watch Doodlebops!!

Now, off to my crafts, I have a lot to do since Andrew is in bed...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

T-Ball Set

We finished Oscar and took a picture; he doesn't stand up on his own, so I had to lean him against the arm of the chair!!!
Andrew's present tonight was a T-Ball Set; he got very excited as he was opening it, I set it up for him and he hit the ball off a few times, but then decided to be mischevious (doesn't he look it??) and put Emily up on the ball rest, but DON'T WORRY... I didn't let him hit it off there, I just thought it was a cute picture!!! We practiced hitting the ball, so by summer he should be ready for Pee-wee League, haha!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sticker Book

Andrew's knick knack tonight was a Backyardigans sticker/coloring book; it comes with some pages to color and then 4 plastic scene pages from the shows to use for the stickers along with reusable stickers. It was fun because we could make a scene and then he could rearrange however he wanted to!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oscar Lego

Andrew's present tonight was a Lego Oscar Building Kit. It will be fun to build him and see what Andrew thinks of him throughout the process!!! Daddy and I also finished Andrew's Christmas shopping today, the closet upstairs where I am hiding them before wrapping is VERY full!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tonka airplane

Tonight Andrew's knick knack was a Tonka airplane named Lil' Chuck. He was flying it around and playing with him on the floor!!!

BK Gift Card

We have been out of power since yesterday, so I am a little behind on the advent presents!! Yesterday (Friday) Andrew got a $10 BK gift card to use for chicken fries!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Andrew's knick-knack tonight was a stuffed reindeer, he thought it was cute and brought it upstairs with him while I changed his diaper. Daddy was tickling him while he was cuddling with it!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Andrew's present tonight was CASH, which he absolutely loves to handle!!! He put it right in his wallet (or Wall-E) as he calls it and he will have to look for something at the store that he would like to buy himself!!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thomas book

Andrew's knick knack tonight was the book "Thomas Breaks a Promise". We have already read it twice and I am sure that will be the one he picks for a bedtime story too!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Being Creative w Andrews pictures!!!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Thomas DVD

Andrew's present tonight was the "Thomas' Ultimate Christmas" DVD. It even came with a collectible Percy which had glittery snow all over it!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Andrew's knick knack today was his stocking which I had decorated with his name on scrapbooking paper. I prefer to use my Craft paints, but I did that last year and it didn't end up looking good on the fur. So this year we did this instead and it seems to look and hold up a little better, we will see more next year after they have been packed away in a tote!! And... Mommy has a red one and Daddy has a green one that looks just like it!!!

Sunday With Santa

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Patch/Paint & Christmas CD

Today we worked on patching & painting the holes in the wall and Andrew was more than happy to lend a helping hand, haha!! Here he is getting right into the project!!
Today's present was a 2-disc Christmas CD sing-along. We listened to it this afternoon while working on some Christmas crafts!!!

Nerf Ball

Firstly, sorry I didn't post this last night, I used my new camera to take it and when I tried to download it, the camera wouldn't connect. Adam realized this morning that I hadn't installed the hardware CD on the computer, hence you can't use it, DUHH!!! But anyway...
Andrew's knick knack last night was a Nerf ball. He was asleep when I got home so when I woke him up for supper, I gave him the present and he is still half asleep while he is opening it (hence the bed head hair, haha). I am sure he will be more in the mood to play with it today.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Andrew's present tonight was the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Yahtzee game, as soon as he started opening the paper he said "Me-Mouse" and then he tried to rip the plastic off, but of course I had to lend a hand, we put all the stickers on the dice and he is downstairs playing as I type!!!

Merry Christmas

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Matchbox Car

Tonight Andrew's knick knack was a Matchbox car, it is a green Mazda sports car and he started driving it around immediately!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Tonight Andrew's present was new Christmas pajamas, he looked wicked cute in them. He opened them as soon as we got home and then he started stripping but I made him wait until bathtime to actually wear them, haha!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Andrew opened up his first advent present which was...
He seemed to enjoy playing with it, so I guess we did a good job picking it out!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Brockmans

It looks a little smudgy since it is a proof, not the actual order, but we did our Christmas card ordering today!!!! So keep your eyes peeled over the next week or so...

Official Christmastime!!!

We put up the Christmas tree, which officially means that it is the Christmas season in our house!! Andrew and I only play the Christmas music when Daddy isn't home since he isn't crazy about it, but having the tree and a few decorations up means it is THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!!!

Gingerbread Train

Bumpa and Nani bought Andrew a gingerbread train to put together. The other day Andrew and I attempted to create the perfect looking train and to say the least it didn't exactly come out as planned, but we had a ton of fun, got really messy and the candy is really yummy!! Andrew keeps picking the pieces off, so I wanted to make sure I took a picture before it was completely demolished!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sugar Cookies

Andrew and I made sugar cookies with Grammy, Grampy and Uncle Mikey today. Here is Andrew sprinkling the colored sugar on the cookies after I put the icing on them. He just loves this cooking thing, we are definitely going to be ready to start baking holiday presents, HINT HINT!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Cake...Christmas Train...AND Advent Presents

Andrew and I have been very busy, busy, busy!! Last night Andrew brought home the cake he made me which was SCRUMPTIOUS!! He was so proud to give it to me!! We also went shopping last night to get stuff for his Advent calendar and while we were at WalMart we bought the Christmas Train that will go around the Christmas tree. Andrew loves it and just thinks it is the best thing to have all these trains around the house along with Thomas!! Tonight we wrapped all of the presents and put them in a tote until it starts next Monday, December 1st. There are a few presents that he was a little upset when I wrapped them up, but it will all be worth it when he gets to open them, so everyone keep checking back for what

each day holds for Andrew!!!!