Sunday, November 30, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Brockmans

It looks a little smudgy since it is a proof, not the actual order, but we did our Christmas card ordering today!!!! So keep your eyes peeled over the next week or so...

Official Christmastime!!!

We put up the Christmas tree, which officially means that it is the Christmas season in our house!! Andrew and I only play the Christmas music when Daddy isn't home since he isn't crazy about it, but having the tree and a few decorations up means it is THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!!!

Gingerbread Train

Bumpa and Nani bought Andrew a gingerbread train to put together. The other day Andrew and I attempted to create the perfect looking train and to say the least it didn't exactly come out as planned, but we had a ton of fun, got really messy and the candy is really yummy!! Andrew keeps picking the pieces off, so I wanted to make sure I took a picture before it was completely demolished!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sugar Cookies

Andrew and I made sugar cookies with Grammy, Grampy and Uncle Mikey today. Here is Andrew sprinkling the colored sugar on the cookies after I put the icing on them. He just loves this cooking thing, we are definitely going to be ready to start baking holiday presents, HINT HINT!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Cake...Christmas Train...AND Advent Presents

Andrew and I have been very busy, busy, busy!! Last night Andrew brought home the cake he made me which was SCRUMPTIOUS!! He was so proud to give it to me!! We also went shopping last night to get stuff for his Advent calendar and while we were at WalMart we bought the Christmas Train that will go around the Christmas tree. Andrew loves it and just thinks it is the best thing to have all these trains around the house along with Thomas!! Tonight we wrapped all of the presents and put them in a tote until it starts next Monday, December 1st. There are a few presents that he was a little upset when I wrapped them up, but it will all be worth it when he gets to open them, so everyone keep checking back for what

each day holds for Andrew!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Cooking

Andrew got a new apron set and cooked me a Christmas cake this morning with Grammy. He sent me a picture of him in the process!! I can't wait to taste it!!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


While I was getting ready to take the birdcage out to the car to take to Papa's when we go for Thanksgiving, Andrew decided to climb right in and try to make himself a small home, he was so proud of himself for actually fitting!!!!

Advent Calendar

Mimi and Papa ordered Andrew a train advent calendar for Christmas and he absolutely loves it. He was so excited when I was taking it out of the box jumping up and down and yelling "THOMAS" that he almost hyperventilated. We started out with it on the table, but Andrew has the constant urge to get up and play with it, so I have now moved it to the top of the entertainment center, we'll see how he reacts to that tomorrow...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Andrew went shopping with Grammy and Grampy today and picked out a Christmas tree for his room, he ended up picking a bright red one and we decorated it tonight while we listed to "Kidz Christmas" and had an awesome time!!! He is a Christmas lover just like Mommy!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Brockman Workshop

While Mommy is packing, Andrew likes to hide in the boxes and most of them are the perfect size for him!!! And, along with getting our stuff into stordage, it is also time to start working on Christmas presents, so here is my little craftman multi-tasking and working his magic (he is going to be just like Mommy, haha, in more ways than one!!!) We are definitely keeping busy!!!

Baby #2 1st ULTRASOUND!!!!

I had my first ultrasound with Baby #2 on Friday, the woman that did the ultrasound did not give us any images, but I have connections at work so they burned me a CD of the ultrasound and all the images and I thought you all might enjoy seeing the baby for the first time!! The baby was very active just like Andrew was, so some of the pictures are smudged, but this was a good one and you can see his or her little feet and face features. The baby weighed 3/4 of an ounce and was 2 inches long and my OFFICIAL due date is 5/20/09!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Even though he refused to wear his costume last night, I was able to get his pirate costume on him today for his November calendar picture, although I think being able to play in his pirate house had A LOT to do with it. He doesn't look overly impressed, but since pirates aren't always happy-go-lucky we will take what we can get!! Only one more costume to go and I am sure Andrew will be thanking his lucky stars!! Maybe he will get back into this in a few years...but I don't know...


All of us girls in the front office at work dressed up as 50s girls, we listed to 50s music and had fun all day long. Chris, the office manager decided to have the whole office vote on the "Best Costume" and Patty won!!! She dressed up as a soda pop waitress and she looked wicked cute, we just teased her that she needed some roller blades along with the outfit!!! Andrew came in trick-or-treating, but he refused to wear his costume because he has that yucky sinus/double ear/chest infections again and he just wasn't in the mood!!! But, Daddy put it on to try to convince him (and even though it DIDN'T work) I still tried to get a picture of him in it!!! We bought all kinds of candy excited to pass it out since we wouldn't be taking him out with his ears and stuff, and we only got 8 trick-or-treaters in all, BUMMER!!! But, I think because our driveway is so dark, people aren't sure whether to let their kids come or not and I do understand being the paranoid person I am as well!!!