Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More Goodies

I forgot to include Adam's banner in the first post. Our second Christmas box from Bumpa and Nani had some cookbooks and an oven mit/towel set from Hawaii; a puzzle and Disney cars for Riley; and binoculars and Patriots cars for Andrew!!

Christmas from Bumpa & Nani

More Christmas boxes started arriving!! Here was our first box with stocking stuffers in it, and a framed photo of the Patriots' football field for Adam!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Pretzel Garden

I tried to tell Andrew that pretzels do NOT grow like seeds do, but he insisted upon burying these pretzels in hope that they would grow into a magic pretzel tree. He got this idea from Wubbzy who buried his kickety-kick ball and a kickety-kick ball tree grew within seconds. Unfortunately for him real life doesn't work that way...

Album Shelf

I am finally up to date on all of our albums/scrapbooks/etc. and I have organized them all on the top shelf in the kitchen beside the boys' keepsake boxes. I didn't want to put them back in the closet, because I wanted them handy to look at every day!!

New Coat

Andrew got a new winter coat at the BX; he has been stubborn about wearing it because he is so attached to his red one. It is amazing that thing still fits him; it is a 2T; such a tiny guy! He has definitely gotten good use out of it, HAHA. But, here we are out for a bike ride and he is wearing the new coat.

Secret Cubicle

Here is Andrew playing Riley's Leapster inside their tent tunnel piece; LOL!

Mickey Mouse

This is Riley's new Mickey pillow pet Daddy bought him at the BX a few weeks back. Riley LOVES this thing and carries it around everywhere; poor Doggy gets skipped over now, though...

Keepsake Boxes

I am a little behind on posting, by the looks of things...

Here are the boys painting their keepsake boxes. I ended up wrapping them in wrapping paper afterwards because the paint didn't cover the writing, but we had fun playing in the paint anyway!! Andrew has a few crafts and drawings in his so far; and Riley doesn't have any yet, but he will catch up soon!!