Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy Birthday to Myself

That brought back memories of when I used to sing to myself along with everybody else; oh, how I used to love my birthday when I was younger!! Now that I have kids their birthdays are so much more exciting, haha!!

Mom and Pa sent me some new bakeware; I am going to have all new kitchen accessories soon!! Thanks guys; I love them!!

Then, Tiffanie and Sarah surprised me with a mini party when we got to the bowling alley!! Sarah made the cake and got me a jar candle and Tiffanie and Cathy got me flowers, so I am having a very spoiled day!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

K is for...

Monday (ten things around our house): knobs, keys, knives, ketchup, kettle, (computer) keyboard, Kleenex, Klondike bars, Kellogg's Raisin Bran, kosher salt

Tuesday (recipe of the week): kiddie treats

Wednesday (animal of the week): kangaroo

Thursday (activity of the week): kickball

Friday (five toys): kitchenette, king, kitten, Kevin, (play) kettle

Saturday (craft of the week): kazoo

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Baby Bjorn Potty Chair

Riley has an authentic European potty chair; I lucked out that this time I put him on it he actually peed!!! I was a mean Mommy and sprayed cold water on him...haha... He was having fun sitting there; hopefully when the time rolls around to be strict about potty training it will go smoothly!!


Andrew has been obsessed with hopscotches lately, so I attempted to draw one (forgive my crooked lines); he was SO happy!! Riley was jumping all over the yard trying to copy Andrew; just not IN the hopscotch!! He was too preoccupied with his ball from before I started drawing...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mowing the Lawn

Here is my big helper helping me do the first lawn mow of the year!! He really needs a bigger mower...haha

Monday, March 21, 2011


Spring is in the air!! It was a very warm and beautiful day today, so we went out to soak up some sunshine!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Crown of thorns

Andrew is very proud of his crown of thorns they made during Children's Church today!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

J is for...

Monday (ten things around our house): jelly, juice, jackets, jewelry, jigsaw puzzle, jogging stroller, jars, jeans, jingle bells, Johnson & Johnson lotion

Tuesday (recipe of the week): Jello pudding pops

Wednesday (animal of the week): jaguar

Thursday (activity of the week): jumproping

Friday (five toys): Joker, jungle playset, Jeremy, jet plane, Jessie

Saturday (craft of the week): jack-in-the-box

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I is for...

I was harder than I thought, so I had to cheat a little ;)

Monday (ten things around our house): iron, ironing board, ice cubes, ice tray, Internet, ink pens, Italian seasoning, insulated thermos, (marinade) injector, 'Invader Zim' (TV series DVD set)

Tuesday (recipe of the week): ice cream sandwiches (which unfortunatley were not very good)

Wednesday (animal of the week): iguana

Thursday (activity of the week): impressionist painting online

Friday (five toys): Iron Man arm, Island of Sodor, Iron 'Arry, Iron Bert, in-line skates

Saturday (craft of the week): igloo

Saturday, March 5, 2011

H is for...

Monday (ten things around our house): hammer, handle, hats, hole punch, hutch, headset, heater, hose, hamper, humidifier

Tuesday (recipe of the week): half and halfs

Wednesday (animal of the week): horse

Thursday (activity of the week): Heart Bingo

Friday (five toys): helicopter, Handy Manny, harmonica, helmet, Harold

Saturday (craft of the week): handprint coaster

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

'Boy Sled' per Andrew

Andrew was giving Riley a ride around the house on this blanket; when I asked him if it was like a dog sled, he said, "No, it's a boy sled" haha